Oct 12th = Very Bad day!

Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
edited October 2007 in Folding@Home
On October 12th 2007 I will most likely lose my entire render farm of PC's. I will be leaving Fleetwood on the 12th and will be starting my new job... I will be left with a C2D running SMP and my PS3 :) which should yield me 2000+ per day if I am lucky :)

So until this day I will keep these machines running and hopefully the guy who is taking my spot won't turn them off. Only time will tell...

It has been fun running in the top 20 of Icrontic but as parts Manager I plan to be back in action one day... did I mention my new job gives me access to 250 Core 2 Duo's :) I shall push to get F@H on all of them :)


  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    Sad and Happy all at once... 250 duo's will put in the #1 spot, I'll bet.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    I feel your pain Sledge ...it hurts worse when you leave the farm folding only to find some jerk comes behind you and removes it all. I wish you the best.:cheers:
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    If I am able to get F@H on the machines at my new job they would be folding SMP clients... which could mean 250,000+ points per day for just me :) now this is very wishful thinking... but I will see what I can do.
  • IndigoRedIndigoRed Perth Western Australia Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    I know what you're saying Sledge. I'm moving on too. I've got 40 machines folding. I'm hoping the new guy will keep it up. He even said he was going to put it on his home machines... with my nick and team 93...:bigggrin:

    I'm hoping he'll leave them to run.

    And best of luck with the new pos!
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited September 2007

    You quite literally SLEDGEHAMMERED your way with your current render farm ;)

    Shame to see the points go but hey, your legacy and presence won't :D
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2007
    I suppose the good news is that now you can get a single PC that can do what your farm did "once upon at time".

    However, I also remember you "bringing the hammer" with those rigs and that's an aspect I guess I'll always associate with you. I'm sorry that you'll have to miss them.

    BTW- I didn't know that Columbus Day was a very bad day- but apparently not even the government liked it and moved it to the 8th this year. :(
  • AnnesAnnes Tripped Up by Libidos and Hubris Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    So...what's the new job?
  • ThelemechThelemech Victoria Icrontian
    edited September 2007
    Well you have carried out a great "war" against cancer for quite a substantial time .... kudos Sledge :)
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    Make that Oct 5th :(
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    Today? Ouchy.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    Bad morning :(
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    good.. it was my call :)
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