Need Ideas..
Me and another friend found common ground in our new obsession with folding. He happens to go to the same college at me, and we realised there an untapped resource in the hundereds of PC's at school. Now there a few major problems with this that are holding us back. Assuming we could get the OK from the administrators, how could we run it without them having to change all the images installed on the PC's ? Live linux on a flash stick (x60 odd ) might work, but can you re-start unfinished WU's on a Live Distro ? Unfortunately we cannot install the program, even as a service, because they run a program which resets the registry and restores the image after each restart (DeepFreeze it's called) :sad2: I doubt they would change all the images because of us. Any suggestions/ideas would be appreciated (they'll be folding for Team 93 of course :bigggrin:). It going to require some skill to pull this off...