Speed Differences

I seem to be having I really quite weird problem on my home network. :rolleyes2 When i run Speedtest on my computer, I get 7mb connection speed (download) and when I run the exact same test on another laptop, I get a 3.5mb connection.
Now they're on exactly the same router on exactly the same line. I have tried switching cables (both attached via LAN) and also changed ports on the router. They are both Running Windows XP, yet I cannot seem to reason why they are so different :sad2: Could it be the LAN connection on the Laptop ? It's says it connected at 400mbps, so I see no reasoning behind that - Mine is a Gigabit Ethernet Onboard 
Thanks in Advance :bigggrin:
(I am very unlucky with networking as I'm proving

Thanks in Advance :bigggrin:
(I am very unlucky with networking as I'm proving
