ISA Server Logging!

osaddictosaddict London, UK
edited October 2007 in Science & Tech
Right... I don't use ISA server very much - but we have it in place. So today I went in to it, had a little look at the reports it can generate.

One of these is 'most visited websites' - it provides a list of the 10 most visited websites........ does anyone know how I can 'alter' this so certain entries don't appear?!

Cos entries 7 and 9 are not 'work related', and the web page url gives a pretty good clue as to who has been using them... :o


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited October 2007
    osaddict wrote:
    Right... I don't use ISA server very much - but we have it in place. So today I went in to it, had a little look at the reports it can generate.

    One of these is 'most visited websites' - it provides a list of the 10 most visited websites........ does anyone know how I can 'alter' this so certain entries don't appear?!

    Cos entries 7 and 9 are not 'work related', and the web page url gives a pretty good clue as to who has been using them... :o

    Just visit 2 sites more then you've visited those porn sites so you can bump them off the list. Then stop pissing around at work.
  • osaddictosaddict London, UK
    edited October 2007
    lol I knew i'd get a response like that, if anyone cares (or believes me!) the sites in question: and (thrifty geek I am lol)

    I did take a look, and it looks like it just appends all the traffic details in to one big file - meaning its pretty unchangeable...

    If I were to visit a news site - and set it to refresh content every 30 seconds via firefox - would that make for a decent amount of traffic?!

    (I'm the only one who keeps banging on about my nds in the office - so it would be pretty obvious!)
    Then stop pissing around at work.
    Hmm, an option, however, ill probably just try to find something else to do :p
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited October 2007
    It's not that I really care what sites your visiting. The bottom line is that your company has a policy in effect that you have signed and agreed to. You are now trying to circumvent that policy.

    The reality is if all web traffic goes through ISA then you can't get around it. You can hit certain sites more then others to create an illusion but regardless of what you do it's going through the monitor and getting logged.

    So your only legit choices are stop messing around or stop messing around. If you *need* to visit those sites then talk to your manager/IT people and tell them why you need access to them and if it's valid they won't care.

    FOr what it's worth I've installed proxy filters and logs where I work to monitor all traffic. I have to deal with users that think they are crafty. But in the end I am effectively GOD I know where you were going, how long you were there, what computer you accessed the site from and how many times in a day you did it. I'm certain that your IT admins know the same about you.

    In a work environment you have no legal choice to privacy on anything you do on a company provided computer or in the confines of a company provided network. They can watch any traffic, monitor any email etc...etc...etc...

    I'm not trying to be a dick, just shining a little light on your reality.
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