Need Help With CP Start UP

edited October 2007 in Hardware

My computer is a Dell Dimension 8100 and it won't start up. It's 8 years old and was packaged as Windows ME. I did install XP not too long ago but did not get any virus protection as I was only using the computer for Word Processing and Games.

After some of my apps slowed I thought there might be some kind of problem and bought Norton 08 to see if I had a virus. Turns out there is a trojan that is messing with the system registry and it can't delete it.

I did another full system scan, went to work, and when I got back the hard drive was clicking and wouldn't run right. It goes to the dell screen where it won't go to the boot menu(f8), all I can do is go to the system information which is completely useless.

I've had problems with it before, but I've always found a way around. Now I'm limited to what I can do and have a laptop I can use for school, but don't want to put any games on it. So if there is anyway I can get it running properly again to play some games please let me know.

Thank you,


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited October 2007
    If your harddrive is making a clicking sound that's usually a good indicator that the harddrive is dead.
  • edited October 2007
    If it died from heat, you can sometimes get the data back off it by using the freezer method.

    Install the hard drive in a USB enclosure, set the enclosure in the freezer with the cables hanging out. After 30 minutes, start the drive up and plug it into another computer and see if you can copy stuff off it.

    I used this method to save ~5 gigs of photos and movie files off a clients computer. They had digitized their photo albums, 2 months later they were ruined in a flood, 6 months later they came to me because the hard drive died. I got the data off and burned them a few copies on DVD/slideshow, they invite me to family events now :o)
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