Looking for a router (again)

airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
edited October 2007 in Science & Tech
Ok. This time I'm looking to buy very soon (tonight maybe) Our linksys has died a fiery death. Not really, it kind of faded out.

I've been looking at cdw as they seem to have the best selection of what I'm looking for. I need a smb router that will handle 50ish clients on a 6mb/500kb fiber connection.

We have a static ip/dedicated line, so it just needs NAT and DHCP (am I right?) Also, I'd like it to have a decent feature set. I like the idea of being able to vpn in to my computer while I'm at home.

Anyone care to do a little shopping for me, since I don't really know which brands make good products and which ones are rubbish.:bigggrin: Just point me in the direction of 2-4 routers to choose from if you would, unless you really recommend one over the other.

We're looking to spend ~$200. But really try to keep it no greater than that unless it must be done. This is going to be a pledge class project so 16 guys are splitting the cost.

Routers that have caught my eye:


  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    I'll look at this when I get home.
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2007
    Well, it seems they've went out and bout a router since they didn't want to wait. We got a netgear. It seems pretty nice and coping alright. I have it set to email me its log when it gets full. It has QoS and many other goodies. I'm liking it so far. It's not as heavy duty as i wanted but it seems to be working. Anyone know how I can put a good stress on it and see how it copes?

    I've already been mailed one log, it appears we've been getting DDOS'd. Is there anything I can do about that aside from ignore it? The router has an SPI firewall as well as NAT so apparently it's doing its job.
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited October 2007
    Best way to stress it is to just have several people start downloading like madmen. Then see how much your internet is impacted on other machines.
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