Creating a report

edited October 2007 in Science & Tech
I have a table, lakepowell, the 5 columns are years 2000 to 2004.
The rows are Jan through Dec.

I’ve done a find with exceed1=find(lakepowell(:,1)>ave5yr)on each column (year), to pull out the data that exceeds 5 year ave of 3650.8. So now I have the index numbers for each column (year) that exceed the 5 year average. I want to generate a report that lists the months and year that exceed the 5 year average.

I’ve tried building various matricies with the months and with the years as text, but I can’t seem to get the information out correctly. When I run for example:

results=monthtable(exceed1), I only get the first letter of the month, J, instead of Jan, but this still doesn’t get me the year. I’ve started to try fprintf, but am not that familiar with it.

3680 3668 3654 3638 3620
3678 3665 3656 3641 3624
3677 3663 3659 3644 3628
3676 3663 3667 3646 3633
3677 3665 3663 3645 3631
3682 3672 3661 3642 3627
3683 3671 3658 3638 3623
3681 3668 3653 3633 3621
3679 3665 3650 3629 3618
3677 3663 3646 3626 3614
3675 3661 3644 3621 3610
3672 3658 3642 3619 3606

I would like to get a report like;

Month Year
Feb 2000
May 2000
Nov 2000
Jan 2001
Feb 2001
Oct 2001
Feb 2002
Jun 2002
Jul 2003
Mar 2004
May 2004
Dec 2004

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