Microsoft Joins OSI

ThraxThrax 🐌Austin, TX Icrontian
edited October 2007 in Science & Tech
If you pause for but a moment and put your ear to the pulse of the internet, above the Neanderthal din of chantards, the torrent of spam and the rad cacophony of .xxx TLD candidates, you might have been privy to the rumble in the deep. A rumble birthed quietly, from an unlikely source, until it grew into a massive tectonic shift to elicit cries from those with untamed beards and Hawaiian shirts:

Microsoft has joined open source.

Today, the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has certified the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) and Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL) to be open source. The licenses were evaluated against ten criteria which the organization calls the "Open Source Definition." These criteria are considered to be critical elements of any open source license, and any article or clause which violates one of these ten criteria means the license can not be certified by the OSI.

In other news, Steve Ballmer is no longer spastic-awkward, the Playstation 3 is now the number one console, and the Arctic is a tropical paradise.


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