PSU or what?

budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
edited October 2007 in Hardware
So last night we have the power go out...ZAPPP!...

Out for bout hour....all comes on and but pc....I got a Interex desktop surgeprotecter....the kind w/ the push buttons and stuff....

Anyway....the pc doesnt kick worries...i kick all the buttons on the protector off and then start powering them all back on but nothing...hmmm...

I then go back to the PSU and power it down on the back....and kick it back fires up for about 10-30 sec...led's, fans, HDs...and then bam...out...this happes like a gazzillion random intervals...i try timing the intervals...10 sec..30 sec inbetween hr...doesnt matter....i come back and give the switch a flick and same thing...crank up then shut down...WHAT THE HECK....My wife hears me getting pissed and says..."hey hun...didnt that happen before and u took the air compressor to it!"...hmmm..."really?"

This morning...I go down...kick the compressor on and spray the sucker out and bam...she is on and up working again...SOOOOOO.....I know we have talked about my dust problems...and I have since upped my cleanings to quartly...installed 2 huge fans (1 incoming, 1 out going), the PSU in my u think the PSU is now going Bad or do u think i have just out grown it and need to up to a bigger one?


  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited October 2007
    oops..had to fix my
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited October 2007
    Realize that we would only be guessing here considering the circumstances that you have described.

    We do not know if you took a sudden surge to go along with that power outage. The PSU may be going bad. Impossible to tell really for anyone here. We can only guess.

    But if it is reassuring at all I will take a wild guess that your power outage has in no way suddenly made you "outgrow" your current PSU and you do not need a bigger one.

    Since its running again I would just hang tight and monitor the situation.

    But if you took a big surge or the power was unstable for computer usage after it came back on for a period of time by having the voltage fluctuating out of the wall socket it could of damaged the psu and/or MB. But for now just watch for signs of parts failure and cross your fingers. If you have a multimeter go check the voltage from the wall also.

  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited October 2007
    but all is run thru an INTEREX desktop shouldnt of made it through it...right?

    PSSSTTT> can take off the kid gloves by the way...LOL....I'm a big boy...u worried about being held liable for ur help!

    I've added some things here and there.....but didnt think enough to blow over my 520 PSU....I used to know a way to do the estimation of what u should have by looking at what you have but dont remember how to do it but only thing i think i got on her running that isnt list is the typical floppy...and a 3.5 MCR....and a USB Printer...oh..and my PDA phone charger......think thats it...but still dont think thats near enough to bump me near or over my 520....

  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited October 2007
    I don't know that particular surge surpressor. Another worry isnt just surges as I mentioned its fluctuating current ouput.

    I use a voltage regulator on all my computers after having a bad situation crop up where a transformer upstream from my house started flaking out for my electric company. I lost a LOT of stuff in about a weeks time. Checked the voltage from the wall and it was jumping up and down from like 70 up to 150 volts. Having the voltage dipping low is very harmful also.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited October 2007 meter...
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited October 2007
    Yep just get or borrow a cheap voltmeter. Check the current from the wall. As long as you have it out double check the current from the PSU as well.

    Your box seems to be running ok right? Its turns off and on. Always comes on correctly now etc...

    The PSU voltages seem normal in the bios or checked with a meter?

    Its tough to come up with a plan to fix that PSU.... I mean better then it is now. Tough for anyone honest to tell you to go buy a new PSU when the old one appears working OK? I know you were anxious to get that prescription from me. (rolls eyes....) To go buy a newer and BIGGER psu. Trust me ..... you would be a sitting duck right now for a COMPUSA salesman. (wink) They would have dollar bills crawling out of your pocket after they saw the lust in your eyes every time they mumbled the words 550 watt Antec Truepower......

    But thats not your buddy Tex. I say if your rig fires up and shutsdown fine every time now. And you do not seem to be having futher trouble.

    Then YOU FIXED IT! (smile) Now take the money you saved and go buy some beer. In fact if you were going to buy some HUGE high end PSU then go buy a BUNCH of beer. Just don't slosh any on your PSU!


  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited October 2007
    GULP GULP GULP....THX...all seems good...I think its this PSU...but guess i will just wait till it goes....Seems awfully coincidentle(spelling) i have had to spray this sucker out 2 times w/ the compressor.....both times same symptoms....but until then...thx for the help input!
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited October 2007
    Do you do anything special to blow it out? Do you unplug it or anything or just shoot air into it?
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited October 2007
    You may want to just plan regular sessions to clean that puppy out since you are a known dust abuser on PSU's (wink)

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