Working on a new site.....
Taylor Michigan Icrontian
Ok so, I have been working on photoshop a lot in the past year or two, and I got pretty good with it, but all the web sites that I have made, I usually used templates. Well today I came up with this idea to make my own template for once... with photoshop and then slice it and use dreamweaver and some XHTML coding knowledge that I learned from my CIW computer class.
I find it fun to make templates so I decided to make the site about templates and designs, where I could work on templates and post them...
So someone please go check it out and tell me how it is so far.... (please keep in mind, I just started it today, so there is no content and most the links wont work.... just got the basic template done)
heres the link
Its a subdomain of my band site "" (which you could check out too, but I used a pre-made template. The only thing I made on that site was the intro)
But please go check it out, tell me how im doing so far......
I find it fun to make templates so I decided to make the site about templates and designs, where I could work on templates and post them...
So someone please go check it out and tell me how it is so far.... (please keep in mind, I just started it today, so there is no content and most the links wont work.... just got the basic template done)
heres the link
Its a subdomain of my band site "" (which you could check out too, but I used a pre-made template. The only thing I made on that site was the intro)
But please go check it out, tell me how im doing so far......
Ill have to work on the text a little..
Lol I know a lot of people don't really seem to care for those intros. I just figured since its gonna be a design site, that I should put some cool design that I made, as an intro. But I made take it down.:D:)
I got a question.........
If you look at my site now I worked on it a little more and added some text. I have a status box, where im gonna make the login form.....
but I have no clue how to make it to where they can register, or when they log in it says "welcome so and so"
can anyone help me out with this?
Alternatively you can get a 'teach yourself' php book and they'll have examples in it. My bible (probably slightly outdated now) is called 'Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development' I've found it to be a very useful reference guide when I'm stuck.
I seem to be doing good on it so far, I found a tutorial and its been working.
My problem is, the form...
I needed to change the width of the username and password boxes. So I used the "width" attribute, and it looked good in firefox, but no matter what i do it wont change in Internet Explorer.
Heres the codes
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" width="20" value="" />
<input type="password" id="password" name="password" width="20" value="" />
Can someone please help me out? thanks in advance
<div align="center"><input id="username" name="username" value="" type="text" width="20"></div>
<div align="center"><input id="password" name="password" value="" type="password" width="20"></div>
<div align="center"><input name="Login" value="Login" type="submit"> </div>
Thanks a lot Kentigern
I got all the .php files done
and ive tested and they are working
and more like the db.php and functions.php
My problem is, when I insert the .php code into a page like I did here:
The codes no longer work, it just gets errors. Even though it's still linking to the plain .php codes which ARE in the same directory.
Am I not suppose to enter the php code into an HTML document?
I don't know, i guess im just confused. Can someone please help me out here?
EDIT: Im pretty sure it has a lot to do with the form's post method, but I have no clue what to do.
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