Network Adaptor
Do you know if there is a virus doing the rounds that disables your Network Adapter?
I seem to have stumbled across it last night, and didn't even download anything to infect my PC.
In Network Connections it will tell you the Wireless Network is "Not Connected", yet when you go to device manager, everything is enabled and working fine.
Ten minutes after this, my LAN connection was infected, but in reverse. In Network Connections it says the LAN is "Connected", yet not one single webpage can be accessed.
Have run every virus program known to man (well Spysweeper, Norton, Combofix, Fixwareout, AVG) and cannot fix this problem. My friend had something similar, and a friend of his managed to get it removed and indicated it was a virus - but I have scoured the web and can find nothing on this virus.
Any ideas?
Do you know if there is a virus doing the rounds that disables your Network Adapter?
I seem to have stumbled across it last night, and didn't even download anything to infect my PC.
In Network Connections it will tell you the Wireless Network is "Not Connected", yet when you go to device manager, everything is enabled and working fine.
Ten minutes after this, my LAN connection was infected, but in reverse. In Network Connections it says the LAN is "Connected", yet not one single webpage can be accessed.
Have run every virus program known to man (well Spysweeper, Norton, Combofix, Fixwareout, AVG) and cannot fix this problem. My friend had something similar, and a friend of his managed to get it removed and indicated it was a virus - but I have scoured the web and can find nothing on this virus.
Any ideas?