Can you compete?
The heart of radical Amish country..
Is anyone here familiar with TopCoder [TC]? Primarily an online Programming Competition - TC brings the best and brightest in the world together to compete in Algorithm, Component Design, Component Development and Graphic Design. Winners are awarded cash payouts and royalties. I've been a member of the Studio track (Graphic Design) since January. I recently attended TopCoder Collegiate Challenge 2007 [TCCC07] held at Disney World, as part of the Studio review board. In addition to TCCC07, there are 2 other major onsite competitions including TC High School and TopCoder Open. At TCCC07 out of a field of 80 participants, representing 27 countries, there were only 8 North Americans (2 Canadian, 6 U.S.), which I found disappointing. TC doesn’t make a lot of sense if you are an established developer, but if you are young and just starting out, this is a great way to gain experience (And for Graphic Designers, to build a portfolio) and learn from the best. It also has the potential of being very lucrative.
You can learn more about TopCoder here:
You can learn more about TopCoder here:
If you think you are good enough, join TopCoder and use my alias as a reference - dogsoldier39 (All lowercase!)
More about TopCoder Open 2008
More about TopCoder