Uh Ooooh...wheres my Blue Tooth?

budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
edited November 2007 in Science & Tech
I have heard of this but never had it happen to me...until now...My laptop had a HD crash and had to have it replaced...well put the new one in and now after all the installin of xp and stuff I go to do my Sync w/ my phone and find no BT in my CP...sooooo...now what?


  • steste Manchester , England
    edited November 2007
    checked your windows device manager?

    EDIT: Winkey+pause --> Hardware --> Device manager.

    look for any which are a yellow triangle with a red exclamation mark (i think)
    and report back what its fully called

  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    Yea...i see the exclimation where my dongle is plugged in....its not being recognized....soooo....

    before all i had to do is plug it in and bam it worked...is there something i am missing? thought xp recognized BT devices?

    PS...ignore the sig...this is on my LT at work!...not the DT that is in my sig....
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited November 2007
    Download the driver from the manufacturer's site of the BT dongle.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    hmmm....lol...its generic...lol...from some 3rd world chinese $1 thing....lol...any thoughts on how to make that work....as far as a driver?....lol
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited November 2007
    OK...but didn't you buy it somewhere? Surely it came with a CD? or did it come with the laptop?

    You must have installed drivers sometime.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    yea...i got the cd and now it installed all this CRAP....GRRRR...this whole "IVT Corporation BlueSoleil" Shell thing...confusing as hell...

    What the heck happen to the simple XP thing I had before my HD crashed...its the same dongle...same phone...just a differnent HD....this interface is confusing as hell...it keeps trying to sync as a serial thing....Activesync wont connect that way...its freakin BT...not serial...GRRR....

    SOmone? HELP?..what the heck is going on!
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited November 2007
    There is not a lot we can help with here.... try uninstalling the program, that may not uninstall the driver for the dongle, just the crappy software.

    When you got a new hard drive, the OS had to be reinstalled, you lost everything that was there before.
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    right so why is the BT that is natural to XP not there now...I have read tons of stuff about this happening to people and cant find fixes...its like a flook...sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt....bad install?...
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited November 2007
    Is everything up to date? All patches and Service Pack 2?

    This may help: http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=10822
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    yep first thing i checked....all updates installed....actually IT cant leave till that is the case....New issue happened here...now...I finally found the driver only....when i installed it it was a generic USB BLUETOOTH Driver which is what it was using before.....recognized it.....so thought no worries...well once that was installed I then had NO WIRELESS>.....boy was I pissed...I uninstalled the driver...no go...then the Sol stuff and finally have wireless back...so going to try just the generic driver now....grr...this is pissing me off!!!!!
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    been doing somemore research and this is a registry thing....something bout it being invalid...i got a message about "windows could not load the installer for this device" then it shows up but says there is an error w/ it the install and says there is "Class installer registry entry is invalid"

    This making since to anyone? I am trying here...someone? HElp?
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    soo...when i go in to regedit and delet the key and then go and uninstall the device and then scan it sees the device but then i have to find the drivers...the issue is finding them....They have to be onthis cd somewhere right...

    Because when I run this dang thing and it loads all that SOL crap it works...but just not like it did...it makes it some kind of serial and i cant figure out how to make activesync work w/ all that...SOOO....back to the point...the right drivers have to be on that cd SOMEWHERE>..but where dang it...how do i find them?
  • steste Manchester , England
    edited November 2007
    ive had active sync working with SOL b4

    gimme a min

  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007
    I found the post but I am lost from point one...stay w/ me STE...

    Line one..."On your computer, go into bluetooth settings. Check bluetooth is ON and set to discoverable. Add an incoming COM port, eg. COM5" where is it talking about here? I dont have a Bluetooth settings! thats the whole freaking reason i had to install the damn BS software in the first place!...grrr....Are they talking bout somewhere in the BS software?
  • budhisetiawanbudhisetiawan Mars Hill, NC Member
    edited November 2007

    You following me?
  • DJ_EvergreenDJ_Evergreen MB, Canada Member
    edited November 2007
    I had the exact same problem... When I put my dongle in XP didn't find any drivers for it when it auto searched.

    What I had to do was install the driver it came with, then uninstalled it.

    Then I went into device manager and uninstalled the BT dongle. Then I hit scan for hardware changes, it gives you the prompt if you want to automatically search for the driver. I hit yes and then XP finds it and then I get the XP bluetooth screen.
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