Quick rcon guide? + {IC} server rcon pass
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Can anyone throw together a quick list of rcon commands so that any of us can kick/ban/change maps?
btw: if you want the rcon password, PM me.
this is private information for you guys only. This is so that any IC member can kick/ban/change maps
btw: if you want the rcon password, PM me.
this is private information for you guys only. This is so that any IC member can kick/ban/change maps
1st thing to do: rcon_password "insert password Prime sends you" without the quotes
Then you must procede any command with "rcon"
rcon changlevel {insertlevelnamehere} without the brackets. Note: the level name must be the proper name for the map, so:
status = lists all players (userid, name, uniqueid (steamid) connected (time) ping loss stat adr) it is kind of hard to read, but you should do that first so you can see who to kick.
rcon users = alternate way to display users on server instead of above
rcon kick "playersname" = kicks user off server (you have to use quotes, based on what I have found on the net)
rcon kickban "playersname" = kicks and bans
That is a short list
What are the advantages?
These are things we can type into the `console?
rcon kickban P3\v/p5t@nK
Can it be set to {IC} team members have limited access for those rcon commands?
Or equal to those commands?
And, Would it be possible or would it be hard to get setup on the server?
As ryder said, the proper command is: