RAM help..

Josh-Josh- Royal Oak, MI
edited November 2003 in Hardware
I'm looking for some cheap RAM..Cheap and Effective RAM..

I seem to be having a lot of problems on my computer, most of which I have determined to be memory problems. Does anyone have some suggestions on where I might find some decent memory?

Any help would be appreciated, these errors and such are really getting frustrating.


  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited November 2003
    We need to know:
    -rough budget
    -what mobo/cpu
    -how much RAM you expect (ie, 256, 512, etc)
    -default fsb/RAM speed (yes, we can prolly figger it out from mobo/cpu)
    -will you be expecting to overclock the memory and or cpu

    Cheap and Effective are not necessarily mutually exclusive but cheap and FAST usually are. :banghead:
  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited November 2003
    Considering what you plan to do with the system, and how long you plan on keeping the ram. I wouldnt go the cheap and effective route. Ram is a component that you do not want to skimp out on. And also we need a budget to go on. But remember you get what you pay for, so if you want to eliminate your current problems, dont get cheap ram.
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