New TF2 Achievements coming soon!

Just announced 
<center><!-- Main Content --> Friday, November 30 2007
New achievement packs will be added to Team Fortress 2 in the coming weeks. First up: a batch of 36 achievements for all the hard-working medics out there. Here's a sneak peek:


<center><!-- Main Content --> Friday, November 30 2007
New achievement packs will be added to Team Fortress 2 in the coming weeks. First up: a batch of 36 achievements for all the hard-working medics out there. Here's a sneak peek:

I also ogled at the new merchandise they're selling in the Valve store. It's so hard not to go out squealing and buy everything Portal-related! I...I want those Companion Cube fuzzy dice so bad, even though I don't have a car.
Maybe...maybe I could hang them from a bike?
I can't wait to see what these turn out to be.
Fostic_popcorn: Yeah, I spent a good 10 minutes on the Valve store the other day, almost clicking on stuff to buy... I think there might be a soldier T-shirt under the tree for a certain gaming kid I know....
I love those soldier T-shirts!
But you shouldn't have told me that your getting it for me!
Hehehe, Yea, I was having fun checking out the store too.
As long as the people doing the attacking aren't complete morons (like just chasing down a scout when ubered when there are three sentries that could be destroyed, just a theoretical example).
if this happens have morons switch classes with the medics
"In the coming weeks..." is all we've got to go on.