learning php
Chesterfield, Va
I have very little web design experience (I did html in notepad when windows me just came out) and I have been wanting to get back into web pages. I see php is everywhere so I figure its a good thing to learn. I guess I need to learn xhtml and css first though. So just looking at some suggestions for the best steps on getting started also and book recommendations.
The books from these guys are nothing short of fabulous. They have a good book of course on PHP and SQL.
w3schools has some great content for CSS, html, PHP + MySQL, and a tonne of other topics that I haven't had a chance to really dig into yet.
Check it out. (oh and it's free w/o popups or crazy adds).
I also found these tools helpful as I was building code in recent years:
CSS Validator: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
Markup validator: http://validator.w3.org/
They check for compliance with current standards, and it's a great way to help clean up your hand-written code that little extra bit.