New client or something?
OwnerDetroit Icrontian
My client keeps going to sleep because downloading the core is failing... it's been doing this for 5 days, apparently. Did the client recently expire again or something?
This is what I keep getting:
CoreStatus = 63 (99)
* Error starting Folding@Home core.
This is what I keep getting:
CoreStatus = 63 (99)
* Error starting Folding@Home core.
If the client is old it wont even get to that point, it opens and closes immediately.
Reference Link
According to FAH Wiki, you have an installation and/or permissions problem somewhere- possibly it's not running or installed under an admin account.
If you're using Vista- it's the dem UAC. It can also be you're running in the Program Files directory- put it on a different partition (if you can) or folder.
BTW- The folding Community forum (a large source for me) is in very bad shape and may have lost a lot of this info. I suggest a reinstall.