OMFG what is happening im asking a simple question and people are now saying mathmatical eqatuions for some **** that im soooooo lost. All i want is a USB device that has good speed and long range. supports WPA, WEP. Jesus.............. Why are people showing math equations how is that going to help me deicde what USB wifi device to get. (Also i said i wanted to change the antenna to have a higher GHz to like 3.7 or 3.2 instead of the average 2.4 GHz)
well I think we found the solution this thread is looking for: a consumer-grade wireless access point that has its power turned up to interplanetary-communications level. Simple enough.
edit: I forgot that we also need to turn the hardwired components up to 40 billihurtz to up the transfer rate
Building a life size antenna similar to this should take care of all your signal problems too. Obviously the can used in it is a 500 gallon one, seeing as it's bigger than the guys constructing it. I think that for your limited range requirement, an institutional size of nacho cheese can (#10 industrial size) would work so long as your wifi card could push out 10mA at 11hz
WTF ^ to the post above me ^ Also one other thing could some one fine me a good 30 - 40 dollar USB wifi device from because im no where at all good with this kind of stuff. lol
OK, thanks for all the help but what would be the best to buy from say, bestbuy, newegg, radioshack,, circuitcity, or sears these are the places i can name of the top of my head. ps the reason im asking this question and im not checking my self is because your the pros right
You can't change the frequency.
The end.
is this what you are looking for?
Yeah but i belive the turbo mode only works on other D-link routers and what the range on it.
You call that a real antenna ... this my friend is what he needs...
It's hooked up to a normal pci adapter, they just upped the jigawatts.
edit: I forgot that we also need to turn the hardwired components up to 40 billihurtz to up the transfer rate
this is the worst explanation of Hairy Ball theorem I've ever heard.
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