jokerz4fun Garners the BWA - 5k

QCHQCH Ancient GuruChicago Area - USA Icrontian
edited December 2007 in Milestones
Wow... 3 months and jokerz4fun already has 5,000 points!!! The best news is that I have the privilege to bestow the Bart Williams Award to him. As many of you may not know, Bart Williams was an active member of the original Icrontic many years ago and he suddenly died. We created the BWA in his honor so his spirit would live on.

Well, enough sappy stuff and on to the celebration!

:celebrate :rockon: :celebrate :rockon: :celebrate


:celebrate :rockon: :celebrate :rockon: :celebrate


  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited December 2007
    Thanks for helping out, jokerz4fun- and congrats! :thumbsup:
  • LincLinc
    slides Scott a beer
    Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited December 2007
    slides Scott a beer
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