Let Them Eat Toast - ffiarpg Grabs 50k

QCHQCH Ancient GuruChicago Area - USA Icrontian
edited December 2007 in Milestones
OK... the translation from Marie Antoinette was "Let them eat Bread" but hey, what does that have to do with folding... ffiarpg has scrapped all the spare crumbs out of his folding oven and made a great 50,000 milestone. Team Icrontic loves to symbolize our milestones. Hows this symbol?


:bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin: :cool2: :bigggrin:



  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited December 2007
    HMM toast enjoy your toaster and don't forget toasters ain't just for bread get creative some english Muffins hot and buttered :bigggrin: enjoy ffiarpg
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited December 2007
    This one even does Coggy toast- congrats on the appliance and thanks for your contribution to the project :thumbsup:
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