New Maps

So how about it? We need some inserted into the regular rotation. To tell you the truth, I'm getting really bored with the original maps. There are a ton of great maps to play. One server I frequent probably more than our own is at IP: It a server which only runs custom maps and I'll tell you, I always have a blast playing there. It's always changed up and interesting.
It might also help to get more people playing at all times of the day which would be great on our server because it wouldn't always be empty when I want to frag outside the normal times of our {IC} members gaming hours. There certainly doesn't seem to be a problem when a couple of us join the server, before long, we're rocking.
We could also do regular map rotations. I would be interested in pulling that together if need be and would actually be a pleasure. I'm tired of going to other servers when I'm helping pay for ours. Whaddya say?
It might also help to get more people playing at all times of the day which would be great on our server because it wouldn't always be empty when I want to frag outside the normal times of our {IC} members gaming hours. There certainly doesn't seem to be a problem when a couple of us join the server, before long, we're rocking.
We could also do regular map rotations. I would be interested in pulling that together if need be and would actually be a pleasure. I'm tired of going to other servers when I'm helping pay for ours. Whaddya say?
If we have 2 or 3 sprinkled into the rotation, it might not be a bad idea.
I can understand to someone like you Thrax, you don't play all that much from what I've seen and chances would be that you would be a guy who would be frustrated by an influx of new maps to download. However making a regular map-pack to download for the core of us for rotations, I bet you that our server wouldn't suffer in the least.
Maybe the server download speed thing is the Achilles heal in this case but the server I linked originally is actually a 32 player server and it is always full. I have to wait almost always when I want to go in but participation is maxxed out.
This also raises a good question, are we getting hosed on the lack of d'load speed for maps on our server? Again, the above server has maps in my folder in under a minute. Maybe something looking into changing hosts. Just throwing it out there.
I think i started going into the deep end there. Yes, this is what I am suggesting. Not saying we should go all custom or anything.
I kinda feel the same way. Maybe I've played too much but it seems that people have gotten to a point where enough players know the map well enough to either trample very quickly or to get into long drawn out battles. Some new maps might change this up but I don't know about putting them into the rotation or what this would cause. I'm sure someone else has a better set of reasons why to or why to not.
I can't WAIT for Valve to release their new map(s?), that's for sure.
Ironically, I've scored more points doing that, than I ever scored as a Medic or engineer on that map.
I really like gravelpit and would like to see some custom maps with a similar dynamic. So far every custom map I've seen is either tug-of-war style CP or basic CTF.
For some reason, I enjoy the game more when one team is attacking and the other defending.
The custom maps are not the killer, its the slow dl rate. I can go to a custom server, and dl something the size of moonwalk in about 40 seconds. IF I see the progress bar move, I dont' have a problem waiting. Otherwise its like I'll be there downloading until the map is over. Definitely not a good option. If there is a way we could change out download speed, I think you would find a warm welcome from the community in general.
I'm also with CB in that I prefer the attack and defend games. They go fast, they're action packed, and they have a variety of options as far as strategies. I've noticed most of the CTF based maps degrade into a "Lets have 2-3 engineers and build turrets and supplies and not let anyone do anything" (not on the IC server, but other places) thus requiring the other team to get lucky or all out blitz thus leaving their intel open. It gets old.
It's not the map so much as it is the style of play that people bring to the game.
Maybe if we had a few customs in the normal rotation that would fix the issue. More play time = more downloads. I would LOVE to see some of the custom escort maps on the IC server. Anyone who played the "escort the cow" map last night with me would probably agree, that map is excellent.
I would like to do a few good customs, but we need to figure out how not to kill the server in doing so.
Nobody has been able to crack that nut yet. We can host the maps on the IC server, it's hella fast... but nobody has figured out the voodoo for the conf file to get remote downloads working.
I'm gonna change it up with "Stupid snipers, I hate you Cannonfodder"
Yea, I certainly wasn't there.....
Since there certainly ARE servers with fast download, is it just a question of upgrading the server? Could we harass people with the fast servers and find out their secrets?
I set Cannon up perfectly with those teleporters.
Stupid engineers, I hate you Weezer.