OLPC drama continues

ThraxThrax 🐌Austin, TX Icrontian
edited January 2008 in Science & Tech
<p>A scant six months after Intel received acclaim for boarding the OLPC train, they've <a href="http://www.news.com/8301-13579_3-9839806-37.html?tag=nefd.top">jumped off</a> at the nearest stop. The story is a mixed-bag of finger-pointing, as any good Silicon Valley blamefest is, but it appears that Intel has moved on to plunge back into the development of its low-cost Classmate PC. Agnes Kwan, Intel rep, said in part:</p>

<blockquote>We have said for a long time that we don't believe there will be one single solution...There are some basic fundamental differences in our approaches.</blockquote>
<p>On the flip side, it seems that the OLPC project asked Intel to stop delivering chips to any low-cost manufacturer of laptops, such as Asus with the Eee PC.</p>
<p>In response, OLPC has <a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/infoworld/20080104/tc_infoworld/94334">blasted back</a> saying that Intel's efforts to build an XO Laptop based on Intel chippery was "Seemingly half-hearted." Furthermore, OLPC President Walter Bender said:</p>

<blockquote>My expectation was that there's lots of room for cooperation, particularly on software ... [but] I couldn't get Intel interested in helping me with any of those problems.</blockquote>
<p>And added that Intel primarily seemed interested for marketing and PR reasons. We'll keep you apprised. </p>
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