Changed my router channel, now i cant find it
Deep within the bowels of a sperm whale
Hey guys, I'm not quite sure if this belong here, so if it doesn't, could a mod please move it? Thanks.
Some of you might have seen the thread I had in hardware about building a cantenna, and how it worked well for getting my laptop and my Wii online. Well, after the intial installation, I had been having problems getting the Wii back online. It would find my Wifi chip just fine, but it wouldn't connect to the internet. However, my laptop could connect just fine with almost no problems.
I had researched a bit, and came up with the idea that my router needs to have its channel changed to either 1 or 11 for this to work. Ok, no problem. I typed my routers IP into the address bar and connected to its settings page. It was on channel 6, so I changed it to channel 1 and saved. As soon as I did, however, the connection went dead and I could no longer connect at all to my router. Not through my cantenna, not with my built in card, not at all. Currently, I am sitting at my local grocery store, which has a free Wifi connection, typing this to you. When I try to re-connect to my network over here, I either get a Google web page showing that it cant find any document matching the IP address, or a simple "IE cannot display the page" error and now I dont know what to do.
Some of you might have seen the thread I had in hardware about building a cantenna, and how it worked well for getting my laptop and my Wii online. Well, after the intial installation, I had been having problems getting the Wii back online. It would find my Wifi chip just fine, but it wouldn't connect to the internet. However, my laptop could connect just fine with almost no problems.
I had researched a bit, and came up with the idea that my router needs to have its channel changed to either 1 or 11 for this to work. Ok, no problem. I typed my routers IP into the address bar and connected to its settings page. It was on channel 6, so I changed it to channel 1 and saved. As soon as I did, however, the connection went dead and I could no longer connect at all to my router. Not through my cantenna, not with my built in card, not at all. Currently, I am sitting at my local grocery store, which has a free Wifi connection, typing this to you. When I try to re-connect to my network over here, I either get a Google web page showing that it cant find any document matching the IP address, or a simple "IE cannot display the page" error and now I dont know what to do.
Change the channel of the network card in the tab indicated above, reached by the process I outlined. If that doesn't work, reset the router via the pinhole button.