tv out adjustment

test_tube_tonytest_tube_tony Dallas TX Member
edited December 2003 in Hardware
:scratch:I built a TV PC for watching movies on a TV. The vid card is a TNT2 (lol). When I change over to TV mode, the pincushion is all out of wack on the TV and it looks all fuzzy. Is there any software I can get to adjust this?


  • MediaManMediaMan Powered by loose parts.
    edited December 2003
    Start investigating here.

    Hope this helps.
  • Mr_BojinglesMr_Bojingles Northern Michigan New
    edited December 2003
    What drivers are you using?

    Are you using an s-video connection or composite?

    Is the TV relatively new?
  • test_tube_tonytest_tube_tony Dallas TX Member
    edited December 2003
    I'm using the latest Nvidia drivers, a s-vedeo to composit adapter, and the tv is from the 80s.
  • SouriatSouriat Nottingham, UK
    edited December 2003
    Have you tried any older nvidia drivers? My tv works fine with anything before forceware, but if i put later ones in everything goes screwy with the output, so much so that the best tvtool can manage is to get it from blank, to a picture spinning all over in weird modes that the tv doesnt support. So im back to using 44.03 which seem to be the best for me.

    If older drivers dont do anything then tv tool will probably be able to fix it, check you have the output set to the right mode (I/Pal in my case) adn that the cable isnt dodgy etc.
  • FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
    edited December 2003
    best online resource for home theatre PC related info is

    Ive gotten lots of helpful tips at that badboy.
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