Starting, Returning to, or playing WoW?
I think it would be cool if all of us who play wow or are going to play wow get on a single server and form a guild (at least for leveling, and prolly merge into a endgame guild once we cap)
I did my research and found the Black Dragonflight server. I chose this server because it has a relatively even alliance to horde ratio (1:1.2, i think)
and is pretty far into endgame raiding, although not quite done yet.
The only issue is horde or alliance? Vote in the poll and reply to this thread so tha we know your in =)
I did my research and found the Black Dragonflight server. I chose this server because it has a relatively even alliance to horde ratio (1:1.2, i think)
and is pretty far into endgame raiding, although not quite done yet.
The only issue is horde or alliance? Vote in the poll and reply to this thread so tha we know your in =)
But...theoretically, I would choose horde.
Transfer her! =)
But hey, why not Horde? If it were me I would opt for something different
Never gonna happen. Only thing keeping me playing right now is raiding with the boyfriend, sister and brother-in-law. Sorry, man.
im on now, the server is black dragonflight
my name is magimage and im an undead mage, send me a tell if im on!
One time i was playing runescape in some town and some little kid kept following me around untill i finially asked him why he kept following me and he replied "get of my turf" and i literally rofled
I also roflled Runescape players are so damn funny, they think the person than can say what they're selling the fastest gets more customers.