looking to buy water block, but...

leishi85leishi85 Grand Rapids, MI Icrontian
edited June 2003 in Hardware
i pretty much narrowed down to either buy the swiftech 5000 or the white water block, but one question came up,

i want the block to beable to use on my future computer, probably a athlon 64 system, if i do get the white water block, do yuo guys think they will come out with a different adapter for the different type of socket that the athlon 64 will use??


  • fuxorfuxor i live in a giant bucket
    edited June 2003
    good choices. I've had no experience with the whitewater block, but I recommend swiftech heartily (very well-made waterblocks).

    The mounting method might actually be easier for the whitewater on the new socket if the new boards have the stand-off mounting holes. If the socket itself is a different size (sorry I haven't read up much on the upcoming hammers) you might have more trouble with the MCW5000, which uses the socket clips for AMD processors.
  • leishi85leishi85 Grand Rapids, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    that is exactly what i'm wondering, but i cloudn't find any info on that matter, so i'm here waiting for someone else's answer, anyone got any idea?
  • fuxorfuxor i live in a giant bucket
    edited June 2003
    anyone know the release date for the hammers?
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited June 2003
    Opterons are out and the AMD64s will be out in September. So there is a lot of time left for new products to come out. Unless there is some sort of adapter it wont fit a hammer CPU. Remember there has to be enough furface area to cover the whole chip noe because of the heatspreader.
  • leishi85leishi85 Grand Rapids, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    well, the white water block can u\be used for both the athlon setup, and the p4 setup with just a adapter, so i think there should be enough sruface for the hammers with the heatspreader.
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited June 2003
    There's very little doubt that the Swiftech MCW5000 will have an adapter for the A64/Opteron when they arrive. According to Swiftech future compatibilty was part of the design process.

    That's why I bought two
    Compatibility & Retention mechanism

    The MCW5000™ ships in the following versions:
      * MCW5000-A™ for AMD® Duron®, Athlon® MP, and XP2600 and up. * MCW5000-P™ for Intel® Pentium® 4 (socket 478), 3Ghz and up. * MCW5000-PX™ for Intel® Xeon™ (socket 603/604), 3Ghz and up *
    MCW5000-A64™ Upgrade path: Future compatibility with upcoming Athlon® 64 processors retention mechanism by simply changing the retention frame.
    * MCW5000-PT Thermoelectric assembly for Intel® Pentium® 4 (socket 478) processors - See specific product page for more information.

    Conversion from one version to another is extremely simple, and only requires replacing the retention mechanism.
  • leishi85leishi85 Grand Rapids, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    so the mcw5000 would be fine then??
    all i need is a little adapter when i want to use it with the athlon 64 setup, when they come out.

  • fuxorfuxor i live in a giant bucket
    edited June 2003
    that is cool... too bad i have a mcw462
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