my computer keeps getting slower

i have a toshiba A105-s171, it has been running increasingly slow when i try to run a simple game like hitman contracts set at its lowest graphics setting it starts off fine but the more movement on the screen the slower it gets and my task manager performance monitor shows my cpu usage jump to 100% i have a 1.6GHz processor. also when I initally right click on an icon the usage jumps to 50%. i have run norton antivirus, and spybot and everything looks good except for a few tracking cookies. it does the same thing after i watch a few movies on you tube. i have also set my virtual memory inital to 2109mb and max to 4096. turned all the computer windows animation extras off as well still no luck if any one can tell me if im stuck needing a better computer or is there something i can do to this one. thanks for the help.


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited January 2008
    First change your virtual memory settings to let windows manage them for you. Specifying them yourself can lead to problems for general use. For specific applications there is a benefit to manually setting them, but I doubt that is the case here.

    Next scandisk/defrag your harddrive.
    Disable file indexing. This can make a huge difference.
    Make sure all your drivers are up-to-date.

    That'll give you a starting point.
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