Verizon tells Hollywood to go away

<p>Unlike the evil overlords at AT&T, masters of terrible analogies, and false moral authority, the lads at Verizon have taken a <a href="">surprising tack</a> with Hollywood's request to support filtering:</p>
<p>A simple "No."</p>
<p>They list three reasons for this:</p>
<blockquote>First, it opens the door for other organizations to make demands as to what should and shouldn't be allowed. Verizon doesn't feel the internet should be excessively policed. Second, it sets a precedent that would make networks and service providers liable for future cases where they fail to block content. Third, Verizon sees content filtering as an invasion of privacy, and they try to balance the wishes of customers with the necessity for content protection</blockquote>
<p>A simple "No."</p>
<p>They list three reasons for this:</p>
<blockquote>First, it opens the door for other organizations to make demands as to what should and shouldn't be allowed. Verizon doesn't feel the internet should be excessively policed. Second, it sets a precedent that would make networks and service providers liable for future cases where they fail to block content. Third, Verizon sees content filtering as an invasion of privacy, and they try to balance the wishes of customers with the necessity for content protection</blockquote>
You can always support them by purchasing their cellular or other services.