Will not boot.

edited February 2008 in Hardware
I've had this computer for about a year now, and recently it will not boot.
Every time I start up my computer it would go into the the normal start up but then when it is suppose to boot up Windows Xp Pro the computer just shuts down. After trying a few times to boot, I open the PC Case to maybe clean it up. After dusting the inside, I try to restart the computer. The same thing happens. This time I swapped out my Memory Sticks for a older Set that I knew would work. After restarting ,and failing to boot, I when to the bios to see if anything is wrong there. After going into the bios for about 3 seconds the computer turns off. Currently I have no idea what is wrong with my computer. Can anyone please help?

Yes I have read most of the previous post about not being able to boot.

Also can you guys tell me what do you think the problem is?


  • HarudathHarudath Great Britain Icrontian
    edited February 2008
    Have you changed anything before it started to not boot? Hardware? Software? Moved the PC?
  • edited February 2008
    Not that I can think of.
    Also could it be any possibility that it could be the processor?
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited February 2008
    If the system will not even stay started while in the bios... that is not operating system related. It could be the power supply. Do you have another PC that you could swap the power supply with to test?
  • HarudathHarudath Great Britain Icrontian
    edited February 2008
    Overheating? When my Heatsinc wasn't on properly it did that
  • Byron172Byron172 Adelaide, South Australia Member
    edited February 2008
    Try power supply first, also - clean all fans and make sure they are cooling sufficiently (and working of course) particularly your processor fan and if none of the above maybe CMOS battery. Do you remember if your PC was losing time before you started having these problems?
  • edited February 2008
    Thanks Guys It was the heat sink! =) Fixed the problem just intime for my Tourney. Thank you!
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited February 2008
    AWESOME news... I tend to thing hardware issues first then heat. That's the nature of the beast that I work with. Corporate world PCs tend to have hardware failures before heating issues.
  • edited February 2008
    i have an compaq SR2039X with a AMD athlon 64 3700+. i have one gig of memory. Here is my problem. my system was completely nonresponsive 2 days ago so i attempted to do a system recovery with data remaining. now when i attempt to boot in normal mode it loads, gets to like the 3rd or 4th thing on the toolbar and autoshuts down. however if i reboot in safe with networking works perfectly fine. I have no idea what is causing this problem. i ran regcure and cccleaner. both of which found errors which they supposedly fixed. oh forgot to mention that my restore was not very successful because when i did boot up all my documents were gone! however all my programs remained. lost many pics and documents unfortunately. hoping someone out there can help with either issue. thanks so much in advance!
  • HarudathHarudath Great Britain Icrontian
    edited February 2008
    With my endless supply of misfortunes and failures I'm slowly recognising symptoms and what's causing them through unfortunate experience :tongue: I'll be using Icrontic for years to come, don't you worry xD
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