[Rumor] Upcoming NVIDIA boards delayed

<p>Straight from the <a href="http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/02/18/nv-release-woes">sunny UK</a> comes word that NVIDIA is having some troubles with upcoming products as part of its refresh schedule. The word is that the 9600GT has been actively recalled, if quietly, from the hands of OEMs.</p>
<p>The other blurb comes in the form of the release of the 9800GX2 which has been set back from CeBIT into the nebulous days of March. There is no indication as to why the board has been delayed, but it's postulated that OEM hatred of dual-PCB boards has NVIDIA tucking tail.</p>
<p>It's been rather boring video card landscape since the 8-series has been released, from both sides of the camp. It's a shame that ATi has been at the back of the pack for several years, as now we have a stagnant cold war rather than a true arms race. I long for the days of actual innovation. </p>
<p>The other blurb comes in the form of the release of the 9800GX2 which has been set back from CeBIT into the nebulous days of March. There is no indication as to why the board has been delayed, but it's postulated that OEM hatred of dual-PCB boards has NVIDIA tucking tail.</p>
<p>It's been rather boring video card landscape since the 8-series has been released, from both sides of the camp. It's a shame that ATi has been at the back of the pack for several years, as now we have a stagnant cold war rather than a true arms race. I long for the days of actual innovation. </p>