Another unmountable boot volume

edited February 2008 in Hardware
Hi Everyone

Discovered this forum while trying to solve a Windows XP blue screen unmountable_boot_volume problem

The stop codes are
0x000000ED (0x8294C2C0, 0xC0000015, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

I've read and tried a fair bit from the forum already but haven't solved it yet. If I have to reformat I will as it's not super critical but as a computer hobbyist (sometimes called upon to assist friends) I like to learn to solve such problems and recover data if I can.

My laptop drive is a 40GB Hitachi Travelstar IDE

I have Windows XP SP2 disc, UBCD CD and ERD Commaner CD

So far I've

1. Attached to another laptop via USB2 adapter It gets a drive letter assigned OK but any attempts to explore result in error message about I/O error. Properties, populate volume shows status of unreadable.

2. Run Hitachi DFT and drive passed quick and advanced tests OK.

3. Used Windows XP SP2 disc to get to Repair Console.

chkdsk gave volume appears in good condition and was not checked.

chkdsk /p or /r gave 43% completed. The volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems.

Fixboot gave File system unknown, checking file system. Partition is using NTFS. Fixboot is writing new sector. Boot sector cannot be fixed.

FixMBR gave New master boot record could not be written. Disc may be damaged.

4. Used Windows XP SP2 disc to get to Repair Console again.
Tried a reinstall of Windows.

List of partitions shows
C: Partition 1 [Unknown] 38146MB (38146MB free)
Unpartitioned space 8Mb

Pressed Enter (= install) and get
An error occurred while Setup was updating partition information on 38155MB Disk 0 at Id o on bus 0 on atapi [MBR]
Setup can't continue. F3 to quit

5. Used UBCD which loads and shows a desktop with C:\ Fixed Disk (unknown) <unknown><unknown>Total size -1MB Free space -1MB

6. Used TestDisk from UBCD loaded in 5 and it shows drive as

Disk /dev/sda - 40GB / 37GiB - CHS 4864 255 63

Tried Analyse

Got to the stage where it then showed the partition with a green background

Start End Size in Sectors
* HPFS - NTFS 0 1 1 4862 254 63 78124032

Structure OK
Tried P and can see files and directories.

Got back to Structure OK and pressed Enter and then chose Write and typed y and got

Partition : Write error

7. Used TestDisk from UBCD loaded in 5 and tried Advanced option and then Boot. It gave

Boot sector
Status Ok

Backup boot sector
Status Ok

Sectors are identical

For the hell of it tried Repair MFT

Fix MFT Mirror? Y/N Y

Failed to fix MFT mirror : Write error

8 Tried to boot Winternals ERD Commander 2005 disc (I have no experience with this and have only just downloaded and burnt the cd)

Appears to be loading ok until a box appears with title

Windows - Corrupt File

The file or directory \$BitMap is corrupt and unreadable . Please run the Chkdsk utility.

Clicked OK button in message box which disappears and it just leaves the blue background screen with Winternals up the right hand side. The disc activity light continues to illuminate briefly about every 4 seconds which it was doing while the message box was on the screen. Left for a while but asumed eventually nothing further was going to happen (as I said I've not used this before). However the same message box reappeared after about 10 minutes. Clicked ok again and it reappeared again after 10minutes. Decided to power down as couldn't see how else to get out of it.

Any thoughts on all this anyone?

I haven't tried it yet but where I can see my files in TestDisk, I think there is a c for copy option so if I had another drive attached via usb would I be able to copy them off?

However I would still like to know if Windows can be made useable again on the drive without reformatting and installing.

If I could get ERD Commander to load there may be some things to try with that. (Just a thought, is the message I get pertain to my c drive or the cd I burnt?)

The only other things I can think to do are the "put in the freezer" thing or to give it a Basil Fawlty style damn good thrashing with something cut from my garden. :D


PS I did set about 3 instances of memtest running (when nothing else was going on) from UBCD and no errors were found.</unknown></unknown>


  • edited February 2008
    Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs!!

    Got hold of an identical working model of laptop. Removed the drive from this and replaced it with my troublesome drive which booted into Windows with no problem whatsoever!
    Added an external usb drive and copied off some wanted files. Then installed Maxtor Maxblast and backed up entire drive.
    The drive from the working laptop when placed in original laptop also booted fine.

    So would the troublesome drive now boot when replaced in its original laptop?

    Answer YES!

    I don't understand. :confused::confused:
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