Folding on Athlon X2

I was just wondering if anyone has tried the multi core beta client on a dual core X2. I'm looking at building my new system with the X2 and thought it would be cool if it worked well, but Stanford recommends quad cores.
Anyone have any problems with it? Does it work any faster?
Anyone have any problems with it? Does it work any faster?
I'm also folding on a machine equivalent to a Athlon64 4800 X2. It's been folding SMPs (the term used for the Symmetric Multi-Processor client) for about a year now. It completes them in about 40 hours- well within the 72 generally required by Stanford.
Quad cores will compute SMPs faster- and hence the Stanford recommendation. Quads are not a requirement, but you do need more than one processor core.
What model of X2 do you have?
They have both been running SMP for over a year.
I'm gonna be getting the low end 4000+ and overclock it because I am on a budget. Right now I fold when I get the chance on my Core solo laptop that runs at 1.8 or so. Will there be a noticeable difference between that and running SMP on the X2?