PCIE 1X Sata solution

Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
edited March 2008 in Hardware
Ok, My Epox Nforce4/500 mother-licker's sata is nice. Works good after I install the right driver. But it only provides four ports at 150MB, and I find that sufficient but not enough ports, you know? I've been told that I could just get larger hard drives, but the ones I have work fine. I'm planning to get a Blu-ray burner soon to replace my failed DVD burner. It runs on SATA, and I have no ports to spare. I can't condense data to free up a port because three of my four drives are 77% full, and my little bitty 80gb transfer drive is a laptop hard drive that holds my OS. I need something better.

I once saw a SAS card for PCI-1x. 250MB's nice for Sata, and considering that I don't use all three of my drives at once that'd work out just fine...I wished I had an 8x port, but alas that isn't the case. Do any of you fellows know of a good 1x card that has at the minimum of 4 internal ports (external's useless to me.) or am I buggered to stay with what I have?


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