Slow Streaming
Nothing urgent here, but it is quite annoying >.< Our internet speed is fine, between 1700 and 2700kbps, and the router - adapter connection is usually fine, although it does drop to 1mbps alot. Does anyone know how to fix this? Another issue I've had is that the internet connection and speed may be perfectly fine, but streaming videos on youtube for example, as well as other sites can take a damn long time. Any advice? Using a Linksys Wireless G WA54G Router and a WUSB54GS adapter.
EDIT Upload speed, last I checked was 380kbps
Nothing urgent here, but it is quite annoying >.< Our internet speed is fine, between 1700 and 2700kbps, and the router - adapter connection is usually fine, although it does drop to 1mbps alot. Does anyone know how to fix this? Another issue I've had is that the internet connection and speed may be perfectly fine, but streaming videos on youtube for example, as well as other sites can take a damn long time. Any advice? Using a Linksys Wireless G WA54G Router and a WUSB54GS adapter.
EDIT Upload speed, last I checked was 380kbps
If your wifi is dropping to 1mb frequently then you've got something that is interfering with your signal. Could be cordless phones, microwave, wireless video game controllers etc.....
Beyond that try changing the wireless channel you are using, possibly adding an antenna booster could help.
Are you in a situation where you can wire into the router to narrow down the potential problem. Also is it just your computer that is having issues streaming or every computer on your network?
Are you on cable or dsl?
You should do this anyway. But make sure the router firmware is up to date. Now you do have a 54G router, which means you can run alternate firmware on that bad boy. Which router specifically and version is it? That'll determine which firmware you can put on it.
Before that road though is it your router or do you have permission to work on it?
Firmware Version: 1.02.23
I have access to the setup page, it's not my router but I'm pretty much admin
Also there are no custom firmware that currently work for that router, though there are some in the works.
So it looks like you may have to trouble shoot things the hard way. Remove every computer from the connection but 1. Make sure that computer is wired in and not wireless and see if the problem happens. if it does try a different computer...etc.... Need to narrow down if it's the router or the computer(s) that are having the issue.
Oh and it looks like your machine has the latest firmware. So no possible solution there.
Other things to try. You could try changing the DNS servers your using to and that *may* help. But again this is all just guess work. Not really much else to do.