something wrong with my network

I have a network with 2 pcs and a labtop.
It all work the sharing and net, but I have realplayer
superpass(yeah big brother) and it said look at the attachment
so what's up?
Network is working and I'm connected heck I'm surfing the net with no prob.
and when I hit more info it gives me the 2nd attachment.
But all works but realplayer, unless I go from my modem to one pc without
the router.
It all work the sharing and net, but I have realplayer
superpass(yeah big brother) and it said look at the attachment
so what's up?
Network is working and I'm connected heck I'm surfing the net with no prob.
and when I hit more info it gives me the 2nd attachment.
But all works but realplayer, unless I go from my modem to one pc without
the router.
Seriously if you are using firefox as your default browser sometimes realplayer gets pissy and doesn't like it and generates those error messages.
Seriously though uninstall realplayer.
I guess realplayer don't really like firefox. Well I'm not uninstalling
firefox, so I'll live with it like it is.
I'll undo my router when I want to use it, the show don't have
that much longer.
When the show is over so is realplayer, I only use it for that show.
But it's strange it only mess up when I go through my router.