Just something different from the standard xp fare....different menu bars...icons, something that makes my pc unique. Also, I've seen a prog taht puts a bunch of stats in the upper right corner (PC temp, winamp song playing, date time) but it's not a widget/gadget, anyone know what it's called?
Example of what I want: My pc used to look like it was running vista ultimate...icons, start menu, the whole shabang, it was kinda cool.
Ohh, you want to 1337ify it. Well... that's kind of goofy, but I used to do it too, so I can't get on your case too much. There are programs called StyleXP (which I considered the best back then) and Windowblinds that will skin your windows and start bar and whatnot; extra widgets and junk you just have to look around and find for yourself. DeviantArt and the StyleXP theme site has a lot of extra ideas for you; I got exposed to stuff like AquaDock because I saw it in one of the themes on StyleXP and the guy that posted it was kind enough to link to the stuff besides his theme that he was using. Those're really your best bet unless somebody here is still into that scene.
I'll go there. I'm not a huge fan of stylexp and objectdock due to the ram usage of them...I'll have to hunt around and see what their is to do. All my old stuff was actual mods within the registry.
NeoTheme comes with a patcher for your current windows theme manager- this lets you use almost any visual style and it's easy to use. I reccomend www.deviantart.com for themes 'n stuff.
I can plop it on monitor 2 without any huge tweaks - it gives the option right in the setup. No hassles whatsoever.
Granted, most people might not have the same problems as I did. When I used Y'z Dock behind games it would have a tendency to launch programs as I was clicking around in whatever I was playing. Moving it to the second monitor was next to impossible, and I just gave up.
Found rocketdock, it gave me the option, and I've been married for over a year now.
Isn't there a 12 step program for WoW refugees?
But for real...I want a sweet desktop...
Hahaha xD If you find it, give me a call
Example of what I want: My pc used to look like it was running vista ultimate...icons, start menu, the whole shabang, it was kinda cool.
Granted, most people might not have the same problems as I did. When I used Y'z Dock behind games it would have a tendency to launch programs as I was clicking around in whatever I was playing. Moving it to the second monitor was next to impossible, and I just gave up.
Found rocketdock, it gave me the option, and I've been married for over a year now.