I wouldn't go so far as to say "FREEZING". It can get down into the 50s at night. Some summers are hotter than others. I recommend a spring jacket / sweatshirt and a long pair of pants
Including the part about MASSIVE HUMIDITY amirite?
or is that just Northern Indiana that get's that fun bag?
Don't even start with humidity. The Gulf of Mexico usually has a surface temp of around 90F during the summer, its not a true North Florida day unless it feels like you are breathing water.
its funny how ICHQ transforms from, fatcat to prime "honestly, you're having a LAN here?"
prime "yea dood, we'll have it all setup dont worry"
fatcat "well, the grass in 13inches high, you sure?"
prime "yea dood, it will work"
this is during the week im there previous to the lan start. then one morning I wake up around 11am and see keebler out there mowing the lawn while prime is still asleep.
[v][AGIC']Something to break up the hours of sitting behind a computer, sitting on a couch, sitting on a chair is nice. There is a beautiful disk golf course like 10 minutes away. If enough people are into this maybe we could make an event of it.
Including the part about MASSIVE HUMIDITY amirite?
or is that just Northern Indiana that get's that fun bag?
I think, however, you've confused the definition of "fun bag" somewhere along the line.
It's more of a doubledeltinssula.
prime "yea dood, we'll have it all setup dont worry"
fatcat "well, the grass in 13inches high, you sure?"
prime "yea dood, it will work"
this is during the week im there previous to the lan start. then one morning I wake up around 11am and see keebler out there mowing the lawn while prime is still asleep.
I'd be down for some disc golf.
QFT. I'm showing up Wednesday. Next year it will be Tuesday, in 3 years I'll live there.
You need more land for that to happen. And probably some women.
/me can bring sez womenz! no?
Alright!! Start buying up the neighborhood and we'll start moving in.
taking rent applications now.
yus. you have hotel. i have mobile RV.