Epic Nerd Weekend 2008 picture thread
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Epic nerd weekend!
In anticipation and celebration of our upcoming attempt at playing Icrontic D&D, we decided a trip to the meganerd store Red Dragon Hobbies in Otisville, MI was in order. Thrax and I needed some books, and Keebler wanted to reignite his obsession with Magic: The Gathering. To top off the nerdiness, Ryder came into town with a bunch of epic hardware, including a pre-release OCZ Cryo-Z unit, and we're going to do some mad overclocking.
So the weekend started with, well - you know... Beers and gaming. Thrax has been rocking out with Guitar Hero, there's been some Travians (let me show you them), some TF2, some drunk dials with some crazy kids in college, some bars, some foods, and more beers.
We started the day with a trip to Passage to India. I'll let Thrax explain in his more detailed narrative which is to follow, but suffice to say it was epic.
I'll reserve this thread for pics. I drank a beer called Entire Butt. On with the pics.
Actually Ryder did most of the work.
Many thanks to OCZ for providing ICHQ with several tubes of OCZ Freeze Extreme thermal compound! Ryder shows us how to gently apply a small amount
Easy does it. Then let the heatsink spread it with pressure.
However, with the case side on, it BARELY made it - a PERFECT fit
Thrax does the WHAT hand in the back of the Rydermobile
Thrax and Ryder get their snooty beers on
Anyways: This morning we decided to make the trek to supernerd heaven: Red Dragon Hobby in Otisville, MI. This is about 65 miles away.
Sure, there are closer places to go, there are bookstores, there are hobby shops - but this place has character. These guys are Livin' the Icrontic Life, so we rolled up and gave them our patronage.
Here we are, about to start our trek:
On the road again:
We were on the road about 9:30 AM, and with a quick stopover in downtown Davison, where we DID BAD THINGS to STRANGER'S CARS:
We arrived at Red Dragon around noon.
I'll let Keebler and Thrax explain the epic fail that was Keebler's willpower. Suffice to say a lot of money was spent at Red Dragon today. I think we made their day. Thrax and I got our D&D books, Ryder got a book and some dice, and Keebler bought every Magic card on earth.
The only other epic fail was at the moment we came to the cash register:
No credit cards accepted. We had to roll out and go a mile away to a gas station for an ATM
I am currently drinking Unibroue's 16th anniversary brew. IT'S A NICE
Arrived safely back home about 30 min ago
best pic evar.
So who did Thrax give the boner to?
Wait, I may have to rephrase that...
.....:bigggrin: are those D&D books I see:bigggrin: