Dungeon Keeper multiplayer

Winfrey shows us how to get Dungeon Keeper multiplayer running on Vista and XP using DOSBOX.
In our boredom, we began thinking of games we'd always wanted to play in a multiplayer setting but, for whatever reason, never had the chance. We settled on Dungeon Keeper, a personal favorite of all involved.
DOSBOX is pretty cool.
I've been using it for about a yr now and it makes it pretty easy to play the old games.
It ran DIG perfectly.
With just a quick scan of features and game play.
Dungeon Keeper seems a little like Travian, only you get to see the action.
Is the game down loadable anywhere?
Or do we still have to buy it?
Dungeon Keeper is not abandonware so you will have to purchase it. You can find it at a lot of places, especially online game stores. It was a unique game of its time because you are playing as the "bad guys" i.e. demons and imps and are trying to create a dungeon to defeat Heroes and other dungeon keepers.
the Home of the Underdogs is probably has one of the largest selections of games that are now offered as abandonware and can be downloaded for free. Most of them are old 16-bit games that you can get to work on DOSBox.
there is no other way to make DK run on LAN? i mean, like hamachi or something?
the DOSbox guide was amazing but is too boring write all that stuff everytime to play...
What OS do you have?
in the instalation happened when he was in the sound selector or just for much time spent in the instalation, so i dont know what could that be........
Make sure you followed the IPX installation steps in the guide, let me know if that doesn't work.
tiny problem, though: i tried it several times (up-to-date PCs, ethernet and/or lan, xp and/or vista, with/without patches) and it LAGS after some playing. painstakingly. Does anybody have an idea why this could be happening? please? it would be so very sweet to be able to multiplay DK!
where is this part i cant find it anywhere and i want to play dungeon keeper really bad. please help
I notice that my version is not 1.53 but 1.54. I have been looking for 1.54. but have not been able to find a link. You can try Taso's fix through dosbox though. I will continue to search for a patch updated install. But it looks like D.O.G. creator has stopped hosting file versions beyond 1.53
Edit// Looks like he is going to get things back rolling (Scroll to bottom post)
..Thanks (btw sorry for my english)
It's been modified to run in Vista (it doesn't) but it does run nicely in XP. And yes, I've tried all the settings, it still won't work in Vista (Home Premium).
After all these years I've forgotten what you supposed to do, I just got soundly thrashed by some lord or other in level 4. Dig, get gold, cast spells, I guess.
This DOS_Box - could I run Little Big Adventure 2 in it? LBA2 was made for Win 95 and I used to love that game but never did finish it.