comp keeps booting from cd

edited April 2008 in Hardware
so this is my problem...i bought a new hard drive cause my old one broke or something, and i also installed windows vista for the first time on my computer...everything was fine until the next morning when i saw that my comp was off...i turn it back on and it came to a screen that said boot from cd...i could not get it to start regularly and the windows screen never showed i installed windows again, and i used the comp for about 2 days, and this morning, when i got home the comp was off...i started it and again it wants to boot from cd...i cant get it to load windows and i dont know how to fix it...also when i first start the comp, it takes like 1 min to find the hard drive and move on to the next screen...someone help me out please...


  • erichblas2005erichblas2005 Your Native Texan Houston,Texas Member
    edited April 2008
    Go into bios config and and set HDD as the primary boot device. See what your jumper settings are.
    It would hep us alot if you told us your computer specs.
  • edited April 2008
    sorry...i'm pretty retarted when it comes to computers...
    when i go into bios to set the primary boot device, i have these options on HDD:
    i have no idea which one to choose...
    and now when the comp turns on, it makes this weird noise like a cd is getting scratched for like 1 sec...what is that?
    my current hard drive is a
    wdc wd5000aakb-00ysao (set on master cause my old one was on master)
    primary slave none
    secondary master none
    secondary slave
    lite on dvdrw shm 165h6s
    i hope this info helps...
  • erichblas2005erichblas2005 Your Native Texan Houston,Texas Member
    edited April 2008
    Do a dxdiag and post your results. Go start > run > type in dxdiag. this will tell us who made your logic board how much memory ect...
  • edited April 2008
    i cant do that cause when i try to start the comp, it just wants to boot from never loads up...:confused::confused:
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited April 2008
    what error message do you get if you just let it sit there without a cd in the drive?
  • edited April 2008
    disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter...
    i just dont get it...with this new hard drive, when i turn on the comp, it takes like 30 sec to find it (with my old one it was like 2 sec) and after that it takes me to this other screen for like a sec and then it's looking for a cd to boot from and then the i said before the comp was working fine for like 2 days, and then when i came home i found the comp off...i'm pretty sure that if i install windows again it will work, but i dont want to do that every 2 days...
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited April 2008
    1st are the harddrive and the cdrom on the same IDE ribbon?

    2nd your harddrive should be hd0. Make sure that it's set as one of the boot devices. It doesn't have to be the primary one, just as long as it's in the boot device list.

    3rd if everything checks out boot up with your vista cd and in the first options go into repair console. From the command prompt type FIXMBR
  • edited April 2008
    the hard drive and the cdrom are not on the same ide ribbon (by this ribbon u mean that they both have the same wide cord right)...the cdrom has one that's connected to something, and the hard drive has one a separate ide ribbon.
    i just set the hard drive (hdd-0) as my third boot device with the bios thing...
    now this is weird...
    so i exit bios and save, then the comp starts off normally and it still gives me the boot i put in the windows vista cd, then it loads the cd and says that windows did not shut off properly and asks me to press enter, i do and then it loads up windows and now i'm using the still has my settings, my wallpaper, almost seems like the comp will load windows with the windows cd's weird...
    on the windows vista cd it says
    windows vista ultimate pre-release :confused::confused::confused:
    what the hell does that mean...the way i got it is that my friend signed up for something and after he attended that meeting or whaterver they gave him this cd with other what's going i said, i'm afraid to shut off the comp cause it might not load windows again...
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited April 2008
    Yes by ribbon I mean the wide ribbon.

    If you have a pre-release version of vista, you don't have a full version of vista, I'm pretty certain it will expire on you after a certain date.
  • erichblas2005erichblas2005 Your Native Texan Houston,Texas Member
    edited April 2008
    works9 wrote:
    on the windows vista cd it says
    windows vista ultimate pre-release

    Yup theres the problem. Like he said /\
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