Moving Joomla Site
Houston, TX Icrontian
Ok, right now the site I'm working on is at and I want to move it to How hard is this going to be to do? Right now there is a joomla 1.0 site on the domain that I am going to kill shortly before moving. The two sites or on different databases.
The way I would do it is do a sql dump on the dev box for the db, and tar then scp the db and /var/www on the dev box to the production machine.
After that import on the production machine.
Some of the commands syntax might be wrong its been a while since ive had to do this and I dont have access to a shell right now.
If you just want to change the domain just update the dns record.
Also make sure you keep joomla up to date all the time that cms has more holes then swiss cheese.
edit: Im assuming your on linux and running apache & mysql, If you arnt then these commands won't work.
the dev site is just in a folder (dev) that is pointed to the subdomain The database is already handled by mysql.
will there be any problems with the databases? I know how to move files and the such, I was just worried about the database or relative urls going to hell.
Yup, just did that and came up with
What started to worry me was this in the joomla global config on the backend:
If I could figure out how to change those references I think it would work.
Right now the main site is on /public_html/ and the dev site is at /public_html/dev/ . I'd like to move the main site to /public_html/old/ and the new site to /public_html/.