Please help me stop the stutter
I dont know what is wrong with my computer but i get a stutter in everything i do on the computer, when i watch a quicktime movie there is a stutter like every 4 seconds, when i play need for speed underground, i get the same stutter, when i move the internet explorer window around.
i dunno what is causing this problem, i dont think its my video card.
i had the same problem with my radeon 7200, now with the latest drivers and a radeon 9600, i still get the stutter.
what could be causing this problem?
i dunno what is causing this problem, i dont think its my video card.
i had the same problem with my radeon 7200, now with the latest drivers and a radeon 9600, i still get the stutter.
what could be causing this problem?
i think prime may want you to run memtest also
This is most likely driver, directx, amount of free RAM, or graphics frame aperture SIZE setting in Setup (computer's Setup program, which is you talking to BIOS in part, not Windows). Check to see, in Device Manager, if you have a duplicate display adapter or monitor driver running, this can and does cause this in every windows I have ever worked with, and I have seen spontaneous reboots on some boxes due to just and only that also.
Tell us what video card, and how long ago the drivers were installed, ok??? AND, if you have the CD, tell us the driver pack verison also.
For a 128 MB card, on a fast box, a 256 MB frame buffer setting woudl maximize card, but many folks do not like seeing all theri RAM being taken up and set to 64 MB. this will cramp a 128 MB card and a 256 MB card will majorly act up. Given that you have had this with an older Radeon, you might want to get the newest RAdeon drivers for your new card, they have improved some. Also, any of the ATI convenience software can be mostly uninstalled, it takes up RAM. Sop, next question is how much RAM do you have in box???
384mb ddr 1600
radeon 9600 with lastest catalyst 3.9 drivers.
i hope this helps.
agp fast write is on
and agp something is at 4x. (i dunno if i can switch to 8x, should i?)
my sound card is game theater xp.
my main hard drive is a samsung 40gig 5400rpm
my slave is a maxtor 120gig 7200rpm
both running at ata100
Slow boxes got along with 3X aperture well, but I am talking boxes running at 750 MHZ or less. Big fast boxes and fast cards eat a lot of RAM for graphics, real fast. So, how much more depends on OS in part. XP likes 512 for itself with apps running, so with 768 you allow for one 512 MB stick and 1 256 MB stick and that minimizes RAM cost whiel makign an XP box useable with your video card grade. 98 SE does NOT like exactly 512 MB, will run with RAM between 512 and 1 GIG, barfs massively at 1 GIG or above (in theory, parts of it can handle 1 GB RAM, but not all of it I found out by trying), and hates being low on RAM. ME acts pretty much like 98 SE in this respect, win2K pro can run 1 GIG ok, nevr tried it with more to know how much it will actually use, but typically widnows threoreticals and actuals differ some from box to box, so I say 3\4 OS max for safety and stick number and cost balance.