Beer List??
Next to a bowl of rice
After downing the last 4 bottles of my Sam Adam's Cherry Wheat Ale, I came up wiht a good idea. We should all pool together our beer experiences and come up with an Icrontic approved list of beers. I know Fatcat is doing the beer reviews on the Livin the Icrontic Life, but the more us who contirubute to this list the better. We can add "win" beers and "fail" beers.
Eggroll's Win Beer List:
Blue Moon
Rising Moon
Sam Adams
Sam Adams - White Ale
Sam Adams - Cherry Wheat
Sam Adams - Longshot Homebrew Winner "Grape Pale Ale"
Pyramid - Hefeweizen
Eggroll's Win Beer List:
Blue Moon
Rising Moon
Sam Adams
Sam Adams - White Ale
Sam Adams - Cherry Wheat
Sam Adams - Longshot Homebrew Winner "Grape Pale Ale"
Pyramid - Hefeweizen
Alaskan Summer Pale Ale
and if you are at the beach round these parts....
Coors (say it with me, "curs") Light
It can currently only be found in Wisconsin made by a small company called New Glarus. They are building a much larger plant currently so it should be available nation wide soon. There are several flavors, but the best by far is Spotted Cow. It sounds strange, but where I think it gets its great flavor is from sweetcorn. You MUST try this beer if you get a chance!
Here's a link to the beer on their website!
My list of "Win" beers is fairly long and includes a few people have mentioned:
-Almost everything Dogfish Head brews. I say almost everything on the off chance they have something I don't remember not liking. I've had the World Wide Ale, and its delicious, better be for $10/bottle.
-Yuengling, includes the Porter and Black & Tan
-Anything from Tröegs
-Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, ESP (Early Spring Beer), and Porter.
Edit: Well, I guess it's not that long unless I start listing specific brews...
The only one I've seen here is old speckled hen
...NOW will you guys come out my way?
Wells Bombardier FTW
The breezer bottle was my other half's.. lol, yeah it crept its way in there.
Good choice with the Banana Bread Beer, some of the other stuff tastes like dirt though D: not a big fan of ale.
3 philosophers is without a doubt THE 1st or 2nd best beer i've ever had.
a) the maker's name is fun to say when drunk oooommerrrrrgaaaaannnng.
b)it comes in 25oz bottles
c)it uncorks like champagne
d)it has sex with your taste buds
YOU THERE- you reading this- Go forth and purchase a bottle of 3 Philosophers!
Must have.
what was it that you didn't like?