.dll and VLC media Player

hello. I am looking to figure out a way to change the icon for VLC media Player. What i mean is changing the clickable icon for the desktop shortcut and the main icon for the program. Also, i am trying to change the icons for the files set to run automatically with vlc mp. Like i have it set up to automatically call vlc mp for .avi files and so the icon for .avi files is the icon for vlc mp. i'm looking to change that.

I havent the foggiest idea on how i would go about doing this or if its even legal, but if you have any info that could help me, please do share.

*heres the files if anyone cares, and i know there not the same size...yet


  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited April 2008
    To change the icon create a shortcut to the program. Right click on the shortcut link choose properties, then change icon and select your new icon.

    To make a certain file type open with a program shift + right click on a type of file (.mp3, .avi etc...) choose open with, choose program, then there is a check box you select called 'Always open with' and then select vlc and it'll make vlc the default for that type of file.
  • edited April 2008
    yes, i know how to make vlc the default player but im looking to change the icon that ALL .avi files on my computer have to match the changed icon for the vlc shortcut. Like right now, all of my .avi files have the vlc cone next to them. i want to change it to have whatever image i want.
  • kryystkryyst Ontario, Canada
    edited April 2008
    ahhhh ummm not sure if you can do that because they grab their icon from vlc. I'm sure it can be done. But you'd have to rebundle the vlc program some how to do that. Which is beyond me at least. Someone else here may be able to help you.
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