Peleus is Back...
He just attacked our newest member... he also lost quite a bit. What and when are we going to pound this guy? I don't think I can get him banned like I did godsend.
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he will NEVER stop attacking no matter how much you hurt him
he will spend whatever it takes for offensive points.
it's either make him go defensive, or waste troops.
We can hold against anything he sends...
I have 3,000 Praetorians, but it will take them 26 hours to get there. I also have nearly 600 Eq Imperius I can send in a pinch.
He is NOT fourstar or godsend. He just picked on you to the point you quit. I'd be willing to bet Keebler alone could handle him. Look at Keeblers ranking verses Peleus... 1041 to 1076. Look at villages... 12 to 13. Look at croppers 2 to 4. So.... who's done better? Who lost 4 villages to godsend and STILL has 13 villages.
im saying that he made it clear to me, atleast 3 times, that he does not care what happens. he only wants offensive points.
your right, we are larger.
we should show him whos boss, not let him think he has the upper hand
defense wont accomplish that.
we need to come up with a plan that will shove him down and nail him there
my first thoughts are a coordination of defense troops, followed by attacks on his village as soon as attacks are seen coming with our offense. i WILL help with all i have if we can end that somewhat quickly. im thinking we can use fourstar to keep any help from coming.
4star: ORLY
4star: NOWAI
Me: So yeah, can we attack him back and wipe his ass off the map?
4star: Are you smokin crack?!?
Me: What? No, I'm serious. We'd like to attack the dog**** out of him.
4star: If you start raping his villages, I'm afraid we'd have to step in.
Me: Why, because we're asking you to present a double standard?
4star: Yeah, that's exactly it. You think it's okay to beat the ****e out of people who attack you, but then don't want retribution when you attack somebody? I thought IC was smarter than that. You're clearly drinking the crazy kool-aid.
Me: Yeah, you're right. Attacking Zero is a bad idea. Glad I talked to you about it first.
4star: I'm glad you asked me about it too, otherwise each of your villages would have 30 incoming attacks right now. Heh.
*BuddyJ disconnected*
buddyJ: think we could send a coordinated attack at 1 of peleus' village w/o rams or catas, just to show him we mean business?
4star:(not exactly sure what he would say, but its a hell of alot better than what you said)
We're not attacking him. End of story.
Might want to coach him on the value to specializing troop production. He looks like he was trying the "little bit of everything" noob trap.
What do you guys think?