Coordinated Offensive Thread

SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
edited April 2008 in Gaming
I need troops doesn't really cover this, as this takes a bit more planning.
Ill start us off

Current offensive

Current offensive troops
1200 legionaires
350 scouts
1 hero

Target villages
K2 (sidekicksol)
M2 (lambo)

Target player

take pre-created villages

ETA until we are ready
2 - 5days

We need:
Resources to our large villages
Assistance in attacking

Post with troop numbers if you can help. When you see this, post your troop numbers Lambo


  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited April 2008
    one question:

    also, that's not a lot of troops really... and you'll need a few senators/cheifs/cheiftains which take AGES.
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    well, you gotta consider what were up against before we figure out how much we need. im trying to get a basic figure here.

    we are both going for senators right now. i need to level my residence and 1 more academy level, so it will probably be 2-5 days, like i said.
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited April 2008
    nonono, WHY the seemingly random assault on a poor individual?
    i fear you may have stared into the pit of the beast, and had it corrupt your soul, making you an overly aggressive player like GoDsenD, or Peleus...
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    maybe so. but me not being a bully, doesn't make them less of one
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited April 2008
    but it makes you not a bully, and thus a better person and holding the moral highground. and i much prefer backing up someone who is kind, and not just an abuser of power.

    basically, i'm not sending any support in this operation.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2008
    Do you know how much a senator costs? Over 140,000 resources & 25 hours!!! Let me know when you're ready... I'll be sleeping. BTW, how do you plan on defeating the troops inside & destroy the residence and main building, and protect the multiple attack waves. Look at Keebler's attack logs. you'll need a few hundred per wave just to protect the cats. So, if you plan on taking the village in a day or so, you'd better have about 500 cats THEN attack with protected senators to lower the loyalty.

    I'm 3 of 4 days away from doing that for my self and I have 7 villages to help coordinate and fund me...

    Sidekick, I know you want some blood... save your energy. Build up until you think you have enough to defend from a Zero attack, then add some more. ;)
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    i dont understand... okay i know about destroying his stuff.. but if i wipe his army, cata him a few times, take out those 2 buildings, he should be able to be taken should he not? his alliance wont help him...

    but ill take your word for it.
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited April 2008
    to train a senator, 2000 imperians and 100 catapults, it takes:
    1.gif 425750 lehm.gif482200 eisen.gif525000 getreide.gif206500 verbrauch.gif2605
    thats 1,639,450 resources
    (all calculated from a spreadsheet i have, i didn't just sit with a calculator :))

    there's also the cost of making a level 20 academy, level 10 seige workshop (at least), an appropriate level residence/palace, and research costs

    that adds up to about 3 million resources... and a helluva lot more than 5 days
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2008
    Specially if you do NOT use gold to get those upgrade auto completed. Tack on a few days just for building and training...
  • LamboLambo Sunny Scotland
    edited April 2008
    Hello, and thank you for inviting me to join {IC} ! Apologies in advance for my Newbness, this is my first Trav Server!

    Point well taken :D ! Think we both reached the stage where we could smell the Senator's Sandles and went looking for something to conquer! Kyle Mac seemed like a fair target seeing as his pop roughly equaled our own- any less and it WOULD have been bullying, any more and it'd have been suicide!

    Anyway, back to the drawing board, thanks for the sobering advice :D
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    the academy is almost done anyway now : ( bit of a waste i guess...
    im getting my workshop done after that. im going to find a better target to take... someone smaller. atleast it will save me maybe a week. there is one person pretty close that should grow enough that i could take it with as little as 500 troop and maybe 50 or so catas. same with lambo. ill scout him.

    scouting party sent.
  • edited April 2008
    the academy is almost done anyway now : ( bit of a waste i guess...
    im getting my workshop done after that. im going to find a better target to take... someone smaller. atleast it will save me maybe a week. there is one person pretty close that should grow enough that i could take it with as little as 500 troop and maybe 50 or so catas. same with lambo. ill scout him.

    scouting party sent.

    I hope you get destroyed. Attacking people for no reason except to fill your big head with power is a total waste of resources.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2008
    That was harsh MickyG... but all the gentle words from the rest of us hasn't sunk in... Sidekick, worry about building lvl20 troops and expand villages up in the outpost.
  • edited April 2008
    QCH2002 wrote:
    That was harsh MickyG... but all the gentle words from the rest of us hasn't sunk in... Sidekick, worry about building lvl20 troops and expand villages up in the outpost.

    I know but nothing else was working :rolleyes:.
    Someone had to step in before he starts getting into a Zero/Myth mind set.
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    when youve had to delete your account because someone was catapulting you and stealing your villages, you can tell me what im doing wrong/right.

    as of right now, my arrogance level is wayy too far and i doubt anything less than kicking me out of the alliance or threatining to would stop me from being out for blood. and even then, id probably try and find somewhere else and then go back out for blood.

    i just want to be an aggressive player right now is all. i don't see why it hurts you guys any as long as i don't start an alliance war or anything.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited April 2008
    There comes a point where taking other villages is strategically important, as building them all is time-consuming. However, your third villages is not that time.
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    yeah, your right now that you put it that way. in general though, like i said, im not going to be nice anytime soon. this game is almost total war like, and im NOT going to get owned again.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited April 2008
    when youve had to delete your account because someone was catapulting you and stealing your villages, you can tell me what im doing wrong/right.
    I know a thing or two about losing villages, I think. There's nothing wrong with doing it when its strategically relevant and you have the time and resources to spend on it. If you need all of our help to take a village, it indicates you're not ready to do it yet. 1200 Legionnaire won't take an outhouse let alone a viable village. You need catapults and Imperians for that, and you're not in a position to do that yet.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited April 2008
    yeah, your right now that you put it that way. in general though, like i said, im not going to be nice anytime soon. this game is almost total war like, and im NOT going to get owned again.
    Right. This isn't about being nice, it's about strategy. You're not strategically ready to take villages.
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    yeah, i realize that now. im planning on ONLY going prae's and legions, maybe a few imperatoris later, because i can defend with legions and attack with them, so i can just mass them instead of upping imperians.

    EDIT// that will be 600 posts for me.
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited April 2008
    when youve had to delete your account because someone was catapulting you and stealing your villages, you can tell me what im doing wrong/right.

    alright then... where can i start?

    i just want to be an aggressive player right now is all. i don't see why it hurts you guys any as long as i don't start an alliance war or anything.
    you have to be VERY big to get away with being that aggressive, eventually you'll be wiped out.

    when i restarted, i decided to make friends in the game, starting with my neighbours.
    there are a few people marked as my 'personal allies' which i have nurtured into growing much further than they would have without my aid.
    in return, i could appeal to all of them for a huge defence force if i really needed it.

    being the good guy pays off more than a great big jerk.
    yeah, your right now that you put it that way. in general though, like i said, im not going to be nice anytime soon. this game is almost total war like, and im NOT going to get owned again.
    you're gonna get owned if you make loads of enemies, or draw attention to yourself in such a large evil way..
  • edited April 2008
    Whos to say the people your attacking don't have bigger players as friends/family?
    The alliance will only defend you so far if it was your own fault you got attacked, and then you'll just be deleting your account again to make way for your stupid mistakes, we're only trying to help, not spoil your fun :/
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    im saying that, if someone asks me not to farm them, and unless they are particularly well spoken, im not stopping. things like that. do you get what i mean?

    as far as friends go, look at little right of my 7x7... see lambo? guess who got him into the alliance? im not completely stupid.

    i dont want to be hostile or anything towards you muffin but, im pretty sure that 1st comment was directed at MickyG, i know that you were hit hard as well. im not trying to deny that. you have more experience in this game then i do.

    Edit for mickys comment: i know your not trying to spoil my fun. im not trying to spoil yours either. most of the people i attack/farm now are either in terribad alliances or are inactive.. or even without alliances. i can fend almost anything off except geckoboy in a long ways around me, and im currently trying to figure out where im needed with the alliance.

    your right, you don't know what connections they have, but thats a risk no matter how you play, because farming is a part of the game.
  • DuchessDuchess Surrey, UK
    edited April 2008
    There is always someone we can farm around us. I personally don't want to spoil someone else's game. So if asked would not continue to farm them. But that's me.

    With regard to playing our part in the alliance our time will come as part of a team. We are lucky to have some really good support now so we can grow our villages and defences etc.

  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    in my area, i cant farm anyone that isnt 45 minutes away because of our alliances/naps. so, im not going to give up a good farm.

    yes, i agree. the bonus to farming ALOT is that you get tons of resources. the bad news is, you spend most of them on troops.
  • MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
    edited April 2008
    im saying that, if someone asks me not to farm them, and unless they are particularly well spoken, im not stopping. things like that. do you get what i mean?
    Ok, farming and catapulting (and posting in a coordinated offensive thread??) are two VERY different things. I found myself wanting blood a few weeks ago when I thought my 1000 macemen, 600 axemen 400 knight raiding party wasn't something to be messed with, but luckily I had a wake up call when just one of the many MyTh | K surrounding me wiped all my troops AND took all my resources while I was out (here). Now I'm better off with 2500 spearmen at level 20 defense, almost a thousand paladins and a level 20 wall. Now I know if this guy wants to attack me with 15k troops again, I'm going to lose all of my troops AGAIN, but he'll lose a LOT more than the thousand he lost last time. :rarr:

    I know that my first village is in an un-defendable position (far away from the old powerbase, and even farther from the outpost) -much like yours- and I'll probably eventually lose it to the MyTh surrounding it, so I've done my best to make sure it can bite back. I'm just using its level 11 resource fields and 7500 carrying merchants to supply the outpost, where I'm focusing all my efforts.

    Everyone is building up just biding their time in the outpost and we're ALL better off than we were before. I think it's time you joined us.
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited April 2008
    see village: Last Resort.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited April 2008
    TheGr81 wrote:
    I think it's time you joined us.
    He has his first village there already :) I do suggest a second one there ASAP though.
  • edited April 2008
    TheGr81 wrote:
    Everyone is building up just biding their time in the outpost and we're ALL better off than we were before. I think it's time you joined us.

    Errr, Just so I'm clear, where exactly is the outpost? I understand our old powerbase was overrun, right? Does that mean the outpost will be our new powerbase? I will have enough culture points and the settlers to move on the 18th or so. It will be nice to have this information beforehand. :-D
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited April 2008
    anywhere in about a 20 square radius of (-73,281) is the outpost.

    it's more spread out than the powerbase, so that people can get their own oases if they wish.
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