Best free AntiVirus?

What's everyone using nowdays? I've been using AVG for a few years now and have had excellent results ...wouldn't ask for better except for the annoying restart everyday after updates. This is especially horrible since it means I have to clock down my cpu and then clock it back up again we I reenter. This is a unique circumstance I'm sure but it's the way this Abit works and it's gotten on my last nerve.
So ...what should I switch to that won't require me to restart everytime I update the virus list?
So ...what should I switch to that won't require me to restart everytime I update the virus list?

I've never had to restart after an AVG update either. That would be totally unacceptable for me.
Can someone supply a link to the download? I'll try it again.
I tried this and it still asked me to restart after the next update so I completely reinstalled AVG 7.5 (v516) and reinstalled v.524a. This was yesterday and I did one update at install w/ no reboot so lets see how the rest goes.
I did the install and next day I do another manual update and wham ...restart message. I don't get it.
The latest version that I have installed is avg75free_524a1293.exe ...I don't get it.
One thing though ...there is no reference to grisoft on this version I got only says AVG from AVG Technologies. Could it be a rip-off?
I may have answered my own question here ..."© 2008 AVG Technologies, formerly Grisoft"
Supposedly you can re-run the install to fix a current installation but I managed to screw it up by hitting the repair button. I'm sure someone else can figure it out though.