
No idea what's happened to my laptop!


here's my problem. last 3 days, i have plugged in my USB external hardisk to my laptop and suddenly the hardisk was corrupted. no idea why that happened becoz i did that almost every day and nothing seems to be a problem. then, it begun to slowly occurs more disasters...

and i'm now can't even open any folders includes control panel (dissappears from my start menu!), and other admin tools (though i'm the administrator).. the error says: "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator."

the only things i can do now is browsing! i have once ask my colleague to delete the current user and create a new one, but day after that the same problem occurs. please help.:sad2:

p/s: btw, i'm using 2 OS - windows and linux.



  • edited April 2008
    Welcome to Icrontic zue,

    Let's take a look at what all is loaded there for your Windows bootup. We will leave Linux out of the picture right now.

    Please download HijackThis from Here. Then click on the downloaded file to install HijackThis. After it is installed open HijackThis and select Do a system scan and save logfile. Use copy/paste and post that log back here for review.

    Also Go Here and download Silent Runners to your desktop. Run it, and post back here the log it creates. If your protective software queries the script, allow it to run. It's not malicious. It will create a file named Startup Programs, and will notify when the scan is complete. Copy the log from the Startup Programs file back here. Here are guidelines for using Silent Runners. You can use separate posts here when replying and posting the log files if needed.
  • VekaVeka Finland
    edited May 2008
    This topic is now closed due to inactivity. If you wish to reopen your topic, please send a Private Message (PM) to Trogan with a link to your thread.

    If it has been 10 days or more since your last post, and the helper assisting you posted a response to that post to which you did not reply, this topic will not be reopened. If you still require help, please start a new topic and include a fresh HijackThis log and a link to this thread in your new topic.

    If you are not the user who started this thread, you must start your own Thread instead :)
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