qch2002 vs Ludo
Chronos is getting attacked in... 45 minutes. My calculations, no catapults. Chronos is well defended and he didn't scout. 4100 elite spear and 2700 Paladins. Well... unless he send more than 4000 Equites Caesaris, I'll survive. We'll see.
Q. My youngest was mauled by Ludo at the weekend.
He didn't scout, straight attack !
18000 Imperians
6000 Light cavalry
1000 Heavy Cavalry
1000 Rams
I'll try and confirm with a screeny !
Edit: for info, the Praetorian defense were all L20 behind a L20 wall
Damn, I see Chronos is southern. I've committed my southern troops to an incoming on Lambo. It will take me over 12 hours to get there with praets from the outpost. I do have 600 Imperatoris that can make it in less, if you want me to send them. They are lvl 20 defense.
Every attack I've seen from him, he goes in hard. (he's attacked a few of the DTD lot and it seems its just for a quick fix of resources)
You may be better to just move the troops aside and spend what you can.
Only had 2 merchants available 6.6K 1hr 50.
and another 12k from me in 5hr 23m
I'll dispatch my 600 Imperatoris from TF1, they are lvl 20 defense. I don't care what happens to them in the least.
//edit: Have another 4K I can send too...
If it's any use I can send 1000 phalanx from Val's and still leave him with 500 in each of those non-OP villages?
I am sending home high wheat troops. I have enough troops except for Legionnaire. I could use a few thousand of them.
WHEAT is still a bit low. I have enough for 4 hrs.
Cantrellia Epsilon sent 57,000
Should get there in ~5:22h
I'm not sure how long to keep the troops...